Graduation Countdown!

Reading Week 9: Amar Chitra Katha: The Gita

Quote from the Bhagavad Gita. Source: Flickr
The Gita is based on the particular portion of the war between the Pandava brothers and their cousins. A specific scene that was remarkable was when Krishna showed a different image of himself to Duryodhana when he was plotting to seize him. Here Krishna's power is demonstrated and highly understood by those around him. This is such a powerful scene because he exposed himself to be a God and they did not realize that his powers were strong enough until he showed this new image. Krishna continues to show his different images throughout the Gita to console Arjuna and provide strength. Just as the war begin, Krishna showed Arjuna his "Vishvarupa," or his universal form, to Arjuna to reveal himself to him. At this time, Arjuna realized the power of Krishna. These aspects are so impactful and important when reading the Gita to help us realize the power of Krishna and Vishnu within him.


Amar Chitra Katha: The Gita by Anant Pai. Literary Source.


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