Graduation Countdown!

Week 2 Story: The Siren Song

It was a cold and rainy day. People walking swiftly to obtain refuge from the pounding rain. Among the blurry vision and pitter-patter of drops hitting the ground, there was a green light. She sang her sweet song that was unimaginable. Her voice reached even the furthest corners, darkest places, and coldest hearts. She drove them in providing them comfort, warmth, and shelter. They had no clue what was coming for them.

Groups of people were coming into this fair-sized shop. It was busy. There was a clanging sound, a high-pitched screech. It was chaotic. People were sitting, laughing. It was a calm ambience despite the ruckus in the background. Many were standing in this ominous line waiting for the opportunity to hear the beautiful music that this voice was providing.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get started for you?" the Siren sang.

"Could I get a vanilla latte?" the commoner proposed.

"Of course! What's the name on that?" she continued to sing.

"Sarah with a 'h'," the commoner responded having to spell out her name only to have the Siren unsuccessfully spell it anyways. It was a game. An attraction. She clearly spelled her name, yet they still butchered it. It must be a ruse, a part of the plan to keep them coming back in hopes that one day their name might be spelled right.

Several commoners continued through the line, giving their name, taking this hot liquid with them. Little did they know they were trapped. They kept coming, day after day. One by one, each commoner was trapped in the song of this green-lit Siren. Many commoners felt as though it were beneficial. This Siren provides them with this liquid gold, all the while they continue to support communities and provide the Sirens with their own benefits!

Sarah with a h was beginning to get skeptical of her green-lit Siren song. 

She wondered, "how has it only been a week and I have visited this Siren at least 5 times, spending $5 each time! Is it really of any benefit?"

Her skepticism grew. She made a trip one morning and sat down to observe.

"Hmm, that's strange. Each Siren I visit sings the same song. They are run by these other Sirens who do not even live here. My payment goes straight to this "board" who have no idea of the needs in my community. What is this monstrosity?"

One day, Sarah with a h's friend Olivia was sipping from a more simple cup.

She asked her, "Olivia, where did you get that from? That is not our Siren's cup! There is no white, no green. Are you okay?"

Olivia responded, "Oh of course I am okay. I have set myself free from the Siren song. I discovered what it means to support local Siren shops!"

Sarah with a h replies with much astonishment, "Local Siren shops? What do you mean?"

Olivia smiles gently and begins to explain how local coffee shops truly support the community. The money given back to this business helps those who are in this city. This trend can also support others in their own town. The beauty of a local Siren is that they attend to their commoner's needs. They alter their methods and even provide unique products! We can help them and save them.

Sarah mulls over Olivia's statement and responds, "Wow, you are right! I must tell everyone!"

Sarah runs over the hills far and near to let others know of this local discovery. Many listen, but others do not. As time went by, Olivia's news spread with the help of Sarah and the local Sirens began to prosper. They were safe at last. The remainder corporate Sirens, however, kept on stealing their commoner's money and fooling them with this fake song. It was an unfortunate state, but they were warned.

Shop small and support your local Siren. Source: Flickr
Author's Note: I loved the story of the Goblins. It stuck in my head because of how much it reminded me of the Odyssey. I found out a few years ago that the symbol for Starbucks is actually a Siren. Since then even Starbucks reminds me of the Odyssey because of how it does in fact lure people (i.e. me) into their stores all too often. Coffee addiction is real and prevalent in college ha ha. My late night thoughts of coffee and the Goblin story meshed well and I felt it would be fun to take this turn on it. As I wrote up the story, I thought it would be fun to pull a plug and support local shops. I have discovered several small coffee shops in both Norman and Lawton where the money helps our own people by keeping these businesses up. I enjoyed using the local coffee shops as the fairy that saves people, while the true evil Siren is my one true love Starbucks. Commoners, such as myself, were used. This completed the three main groups of people in the Goblin story along with a setting and plot. I hope this was entertaining!

"The Goblin City" by W. H. D. Rouse with Illustrations by W. Robinson. Web source.


  1. This is such a great twist to the story. I agree that corporations are taking over the consumer market. It’s like their advertising is a siren’s song. Smaller shops and companies can’t afford to pay for ads, so they rely on the few who prefer to stray away from the norm and give small businesses a try. I also think coffee is amazing and Starbucks continually has a grasp on me as well....

  2. Yo I absolutely loved your twist on the goblin city story! I think by making it about starbucks was a great choice, as I find myself trapped coming back each time too. Also, by using starbucks, you were able to use siren to replace the goblin, which I think was a great homage to the Odyssey. I really enjoyed this retelling because it took a unique and original approach to the original story.

  3. Hi Simran!
    I really enjoyed this humorous twist that you took on the story with the Goblins; I almost did my weekly story over them. I think that it is so awesome that you took a somewhat economic approach in your story and also exposed the corporate side of America. Consumers should definitely start supporting local shops and locally owned businesses!

  4. Hey Simran!
    This is Sarah with a "h". I first wanted to say thank you for giving me a modern setting in a coffee shop like Starbucks. I would rather go through that then be killed off by actual sirens. I thought it was really creative having the sirens misspell people's names such as my own in order to have people coming back. The amount of coffee I drank was ridiculous, but I fell under that Starbucks spell, like many people do. I also liked how you incorporated themes involving economics and ethics into your story. It is always good to support small businesses rather than constantly going to the larger businesses. I would love to be in more of your stories. I think, me, Sarah with a "h" would be a wonderful person to keep in your stories. Maybe you could also add Olivia into your story. Overall, you did my story justice! Thank you.


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