Graduation Countdown!

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback loop. Source: Wikimedia
Being a science major, my method for thinking has over time become very logical. It can be difficult to understand anything outside of this logic, but once the connection is made, the circuit runs smoothly. Above is an image of a feed back loop that takes in a signal and gives an output. I love how this image sums up my idea of feedback. Without feedback, the loop has a difficult time creating a consistent and powerful output. Quite honestly, I do not know the equation or specifics of the diagram above, but it represents a powerful message that I learned to embrace as I grew over the last four years.

I loved the article about Why Rejection Hurts So Much. This article really explained not only the science behind rejections, but also the sociology behind it. During feedback, and in this thematic case the loop, there is potential for failure and rejection of a signal (or act, behavior, project, idea, etc.). However, this rejection should not influence the power of the loop. In fact, it should only make the design more specific and intriguing. The loop becomes specified and the scientist providing signals to the loop grows with this knowledge. Rejection should not make a person feel less capable, but in fact more powerful. Rejection should also not make one feel as if they do not belong, but should inspire them to realize that one loop does not fit all and that is ok! Feedback can be difficult at first, but over the years I learned how to receive these signals and deal with the rejection in a way to continue my output in an effective manner.

I also liked the article about Self-Doubt. Keeping oneself confident is a difficult task at times. We look at those around us and our mentors and struggle with attempting to match their achievements. I have a huge weakness of doubting my abilities at times and feeling as though I am not doing enough as others are, but therein lies my failure. Looking at what others do is good in order to inspire your own creativity or path, but it becomes dangerous when you look at others in respect to yourself. I believe it is important to take feedback with a grain of salt at times. It depends on the circumstances, but ensuring that what one feels is right for them is the right path.

I truly enjoyed learning about feedback and how to take it. Feedback is my favorite part of learning because I am always taking something good away from it.


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