Hi, my name is Simran! It is pronounced sim-rin and is a Punjabi word derived from Sanskrit that means to remember God. Therein lies my heritage, culture, and religion. I am a Hindu, so I have heard, read and watched both the Ramayana and Mahabharata in many different ways. I love learning about my culture and religion through the very rare classes that OU offers. It brings about new perspectives and helps me see myself in a different light.
Personal photo of a much younger me. |
I was born and raised here in Oklahoma, while my parents both immigrated from India. I can fluently speak English and Hindi, but I can also understand a dialect called Sindhi. My major is Chemical Biosciences Pre-Medicine, and I can quite honestly say I've loved every minute of it! I have a minor in Medical Humanities that allows me to take such diverse classes like these. I will be attending medical school in the fall, and I am so excited to continue my love for both science and humanities.
A personal photo of me and Danny a couple years ago during Christmas. |
I also absolutely love my German Shepherd. His name is Danny, and he is 9 years old! As old as he is getting, he never fails to keep me on my toes and make me laugh throughout the day. We celebrate his birthday every year and get him those decorated dog birthday cookies and cupcakes! There are endless pictures of me and him. My camera roll and anything that can hold pictures is mostly him. He is such a joy to be around. He is about the same size as me and loves snuggling in my bed with me. He makes any bad day great and every good day better.
Some hobbies I enjoy doing are traveling, tennis, and teaching myself Bollywood dances! I am not the best dancer, but it is so fun. I am also very coffee obsessed. As any other stressed college student, I have adapted to the taste of coffee but it took a wild turn as the years went by. I am at the point where I actually enjoy drinking it black, and I still cannot comprehend that I have become THAT person. I also adore reading. My favorite genres range from thrillers to medical anthropology. Christopher Pike and Mitch Albom definitely are my favorite authors, however. I am currently reading the You series by Caroline Kepnes. A huge wakeup call to how dangerous social media can be sometimes!
Knowledge and family are two of the most important pieces of my life. I find myself always wanting to learn something knew, listening in hopes of hearing inspiration, and reading to discover the untold. I am so excited to take on this course and read the most beloved stories of my life again. There is always something new every time I hear them or read them. It truly never gets old! These stories are meant to teach the lifestyle that is Hinduism.
I promise he loves me back. (Personal Photo) |
Oh, how great that you are fluent in Hindi, Simran! I am lucky that so many of the stories of India have been written down in English, but of course there are many stories in the other languages of India that have not been translated. I studied Sanskrit in college, and it is one of my goals to learn Hindi someday! I enrolled myself in Indian Epics this semester, and I already know I want to do a project on Hanuman because I want to memorize the words of the Hanuman Chalisa. I can understand a lot of the words because of the Sanskrit connection, but I am also going to learn lots of new things from this project too. And someday... Hindi! (I need to finally retire from this job as a teacher so that I can become a student again, ha ha.)
ReplyDeleteAnd your Danny is so adorable! There's an extra credit Tech Tip if you want to put a picture of him in the class "Pet Padlet" -- here's the link: Padlet of Pets (plus a link for list of Tech Tips). All that extra credit stuff starts in Week 2 but there's no need to wait (that's an all-purpose mantra for this class: no need to wait! ... which is a good mantra for life too of course).
And maybe you will want to do a dance-theme project for this course, thinking about Shiva the Nata-Raja, or Arjuna's time in disguise as a dancing teacher, or Krishna and the gopis... dance and music are such an important part of the stories of India, and thanks to the magic of YouTube you can even bring actual dances and videos into writing for the class. The power of multimedia! I hope you will have fun with it all.
Hi Simran! It was really nice getting to read your introduction! I totally relate to your passion for dance, but not being able to say you're technically a dancer (lol). I often teach myself hip hop choreography/techniques and sometimes K-pop dances if I am feeling a little quirky. Also, your dog is so cute! I think big dogs are so adorable! It makes snuggling with them so much fun!
ReplyDeleteHey Simran! Learning about your own culture through a class at OU sounds really interesting so that you can interact with it from a different perspective. I played tennis all throughout middle school and high school but realized extremely quickly that there was a negative chance that I could play at OU. It's funny I am actually watching the Australian Open as I type this. I am also Pre-Med, but only a junior so I get to take my MCAT soon, but it's awesome that you got in to medical school and get to attend soon!
ReplyDeleteHi Simran! Its always nice to see someone from high school in the same class as me! I am surprised we've gotten all the way to senior year without sharing a class! I am excited to learn about your heritage and culture, as I really don't know much about it.
ReplyDeleteEven though I work at The Bookmark, I still cant stand the taste of black coffee! The more sugar and milk the better
Howdy Simran! First, I just wanted to say that is awesome you are attending medical school here soon, so congratulations! I am also pre-med, but I still have a few years left as an undergraduate at OU. I also played tennis throughout my four years of high school. I am keeping up with the Australian Open, but I do not really have the time to stay up through all hours of the night to watch live, or go back and re-watch the matches. I also have two family dogs and one of my own, and I have to say I miss the dog snuggles since none of my dogs currently live with me. Danny is very cute and seems to be super loving!
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to get to know you,
Your peer, Hannah.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey Simran,
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to "meet" you. For the first time over this past summer I met a girl named Simran, and it's great to meet another. I think it's a beautiful name -- I just like the sound of it -- and it's very interesting to learn the literal meaning.
With your background I'm sure you'll be able to do some particularly interesting things with the assignments for this class. Looking forward to reading your stories.
Congratulations on your plans for next year!
Hi Simran!
ReplyDeleteI can't even begin to imagine how unique and interesting this class as well as others at OU must be with your extensive background knowledge on India and Hinduism. I'm sure it gives you an interesing perspective of things that you are already familiar with-- and I bet already knowing about the Mahabarata and Ramayana might make this class a teeeeny bit easier for you.
I also have a dog who I am so obsessed with, her name is Bailey and she is a yellow lab. She's getting a little bit on the older side as well, but she never fails to put a smile on my face.
HI Simran,
ReplyDeleteWhen you said that you couldn't believe you became THAT person who now drinks their coffee black, I related. I used to drink creamer with a little bit of coffee, but now I have a mug of straight coffee now.
Also, your dog is so cute! I'm glad you can manage to have a dog in college. I really want one, but I'm scared that I am not home enough to give them enough attention, so it wouldn't be fair. But, it seems like you don't struggle with this balance!
Wow, Simran, being bilingual is impressive! Danny seems like a fantastic dog. German Shepherds are such smart animals. Anthropology is very cool too. I took the plagues and people class my freshman year, and I learned so much about diseases and how they interact with populations.
ReplyDeleteAlso reading is a great hobby to have. Do you have much time to read being pre-med?
I love your German Sheperd! I also have two fur babies and they are my life! If you haven’t seen the bollywood movies Bahubali 1&2 you are really missing out, they are truly epics and I have already watched them a few times even though they are almost 3 hours each. It’s so awesome that this course is just nostolgia to you, to me I’m learning and reading all of these stories for the first time!
ReplyDeleteHi Simran,
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to meet you, again! You may not remember me, but I met you one time because your sister Sonali introduced us. It is great that you are taking this class. Your major sounds very difficult, but you and your sister are so intelligent, I have no doubt you will be successful in whatever you do. I also love playing tennis! I played for six years, and I miss it so much. What are some places you have traveled to? I also am very fond of traveling, although I have not traveled in awhile. Your German Shepard is so adorable, and he looks so sweet. I enjoyed reading your introduction post, and hope you have a wonderful semester!
Awesome introduction! Your dog is super cute! I actually went from drinking coffee black to putting a bunch of sugar and stuff in it, so I'm like you but in reverse.
ReplyDeleteIt's super cool that you can speak Hindi, your background probably makes this class a totally different experience!
Also if you like reading and you're wanting to become a doctor, I recommend "The House of God" by Samuel Shem. It's a really interesting, and frankly terrifying, insider's perspective on medicine. It's written from the point-of-view of a medical student doing his internship and coming to terms with the reality of medicine, so you may find it relatable. It's extremely vulgar though so not everyone may enjoy it.
Hi Simran! I love how you start off by referencing the meaning of your name. Being Wichita, I find it so important to incorporate culture into all conversations and introduce it to all spaces of people. However, I actually avoid Native American based classes here on campus as I refuse to sit and be taught incorrect information or even correct information around a bunch of people taking the class because it's "easy". My bestfriend growing up immigrated from India at the age of 2 and both of her parents were deeply ingrained in the community there so I can understand bits and pieces of your background. On the other hand, I do not connect at all with your major. As a social studies education major I cannot even fathom your workload or content but I am overtly proud of those who take on what you are taking on. I have a hamster and two dogs at home and in Norman I have two other dogs I got with my boyfriend. They are corgis that will max out at about 20 lbs and if they act up I can easily pick both up with one arm, so I cannot even imagine parenting a dog as big as I am! I also love to read and am glad you are still keeping up with it alongside your schoolwork!
ReplyDeleteHey Simran! Your baby picture is so cute! How exciting that you're going to medical school! I have a friend going to OU's medical school next semester and I know what an accomplishment that is. It's also very cool that you have multiple interests! All science and no humanities or all humanities and no science makes for a student who is not well rounded. I also enjoys science and humanities so it's cool to hear that from another science minded student.
ReplyDeleteHi Simran! So nice to meet you! I think its so cool how you're taking this course because of your interest in your culture and religion. Also, I think Danny is absolutely adorable! I have always wanted a German Shepherd when I was little, but my mom hated dogs, especially big dogs. Now that I'm older, she finally allowed me to have a Pomeranian, but only because its a small dog. However, I can't wait to have a German Shepherd of my own when I have my own place!
ReplyDeleteHello Simran! I enjoyed reading your Introduction, and I am very excited to read your stories! I think it will be very interesting, since you are already so acquainted with the Ramayana and it's characters. I am curious to see how you spin your stories, versus those who are new to the Ramayana. I love that you are interconnecting humanities and medicine. Is this common among Med.students? Or a rarity? I am very impressed with all that you are accomplishing. I hope you are too!!
ReplyDeleteHi Simran! I wanted to say, congratulations on getting into medical school! That is a pretty big achievement! Not only are your stories so interesting and funny, but you sound like an awesome person! I think it is pretty cool to find a class that you can relate what you grew up knowing! It definitely does bring new perspectives into light.
ReplyDeleteHi Simran! I loved reading about you! I love that you already read many different versions of the Ramayana! I also love that you speak Hindi!! I am super excited to read your stories and see how you put your own little spin on it. Your German Shepherd is SO cute! I have been trying to cut back on coffee, but sometimes you just need it to get you through the day. I am starting to warm up to the taste of black coffee.. Congrats on getting into medical school! That is so awesome! I look forward to reading more of your stories this semester!
ReplyDeleteHi Simran!
ReplyDeleteThat toddler picture of you is great! Thanks for sharing that!
I think it is so cool that you have already heard many versions of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata in many ways. I'm sure by reading the stories you write this semester I can learn a lot from you. What part of India are you from? I am going to Mumbai this summer so I was just curious. I am super excited. I am also a biology pre-dental major and am applying for the first time this summer! Congrats on getting into medical school! That is such an incredible accomplishment!
Hi Simran!
ReplyDeleteI think that it is really neat that you already have background in what we are reading. I also love your interesting in reading. I used to love to read, but I don't really have time anymore because my majors (Letters and Religious Studies) require a lot of reading as is. Danny is adorable by the way and I absolutely love animals. I had a dog when I was younger, but now I just own cats. I look forward to reading more of your stories!
Hi hi Simran!!
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of Indian friends in high school. Interestingly, they were all Tamil, and commonly extolled the superiority of the Tamil people as a great warrior people who resisted the Mughal expansion into India. They also considered themselves superior to other Indian peoples, especially the Telegu and Punjabi. Interestingly, there was also a significant Telegu population at my high school, and by some coincidence, most of the higher achieving Indian students where Tamil, which further heightened tensions.
Simran, it was great to get to know you some through your post. I’m a chemical Biosciences major as well and I think it is a great major. That is awesome that you are going to Medical School. Good job, as I know that is a difficult thing to get into. Your German Shepard looks adorable. Good luck to you on your future endeavors.
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you! :) I loved reading your intro and seeing Danny! I agree about the coffee part- I never enjoyed it but began drinking it for the caffeine. I always had to get a frappe or mocha because I couldn't stand the taste. I now actually quite enjoy the black coffee flavor, even prefer it! Never thought I'd be that person lol. I still try to limit when I drink though, as it gives me great difficulty falling asleep. Congrats on medical school !! I look forward to reading more!
Hi Simran! We're well past the half-way mark in this semester, so I hope you have enjoyed the class' content so far. Danny is super adorable, and with a German Shepherd that cute how can you not fill your entire camera roll with photos of him! Congratulations on graduating by the way. I'm graduating too and plan on attending graduate school here at OU (Mathematics PhD program). It was pretty stressful worrying about graduating this last year, and still kind of is with commencement coming up and everything. Good luck in medical school!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute baby picture! German Shepard’s are awesome, are they not? Our family has a Border Collie/German Shepard mix that is our big baby. Even though his mom and dad both come from very smart breeds, he’s almost as dumb as a rock. BUT, he is super lovable and he certainly lives up to his “working dog” status. Your dog is a very handsome fellow!
ReplyDeleteFollowing my last comment to your introduction here, I have to share with you that I laugh and rejoice a little every time I click on your blog and see the GIGANTIC countdown timer. Like you, I can't wait until this is all over and it is time to move on to new and better things. I wish you, and everyone else graduating this semester, well as we all move beyond graduation. Cheers!
Hi Simran, I enjoyed reading your introduction post! First off, I gotta comment on your graduation timer you have on your blog. I love it. I can not wait for this semester to end as I'm sure you can not wait either. I loved reading all about you too. I dont know why but I always love meeting new people and hearing their story on how they got to where they are, and where they plan on going. I just find it fascinating all the different stories and passions everyone on this earth has. 2 weeks left of school plus dead week and finals week. And only 15 more days left of class, thank goodness.
ReplyDeleteHi Simran,
ReplyDeleteIt is very nice to finally meet you! I think it is so cool that a class like this exists at OU and you can grow in your knowledge of where you come from. That is amazing you can speak both english and hindu but even more impressive you are majoring and minoring in all that you re! I don't think I would have time to even sleep! I myself enjoy dancing and think it is so cool you teach yourself ones of Bollywood!
It's wonderful to be fluent in another language - it broadens your horizons by an unspeakable amount! And especially to know Hindi in this class. I have a coworker who is from India, and I get her feedback on a lot of my stories that have to do with the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. I think it's so interesting that I can discuss someone's culture - when they are from the opposite end of the earth! Nice to meet you, Simran.
ReplyDeleteHi Simran!
ReplyDeleteIt must be so interesting seeing everyone's takes on stories you've heard since you were little! Have you encountered any new Hindu stories in this class? Also, your dog is wonderful! I love big dogs that you can get a good cuddle with! Though I also love my kitten's cuddles. Good luck this semester and Congradulations on graduating!
Hey Simran,
ReplyDeleteI think its so cool that you were not only able to grow up listening to the many versions of the epics we read in class, but that you are still able to immerse yourself in your heritage while taking classes here at OU. I haven't heard of many other classes here that offer insight and knowledge on India and its rich history (Mythological and historyical) but after taking this class I am very interested in learning more! If you know of any good classes/teacher, be sure to let me know! Also congrats on almost graduating and good luck in med school!
Edit: my awful spelling